
Collection: Guy Spilers/Rene Van den Berghe (further information below)

This is a fabulous Old Papua Kandangai Suspension Hook from the Kandangai Village of the Sepik Region, Papua New Guinea. Hooks has both utilitarian and ceremonial functions, and are suspended from the rafters by a cord, and they are used to safeguard food, clothing, and other items, which are placed in baskets or string bags. These bags are hung from the hook-shaped prongs at the base to keep them out of reach of vermin. Most hooks are adorned with representations of ancestral spirits and totemic animals associated with the owner’s clan. In the past, some suspension hooks, especially those representing waken( a sacred ritual), the most powerful supernatural beings, served as sacred images through which the supernatural beings they depicted could be consulted. Before embarking on a raid or hunting expedition, men gathered within the ceremonial house to consult the waken through the hook bearing its image. Offerings of chickens, betel nut, or other items were hung from the hook and then consumed by a human “attendant,” who went into a trance during which the waken spoke through him, providing advice. Household suspension hooks were also used to contact spirits about more minor matters. This is s wonderful old piece.


Close friends, Rene Vanden Berghe and Guy Spilers found themselves living a life of adventure they sought out and embraced. Born in Belgium just prior to WWII, they spent their youth under German occupation. After the war, the adventures continued with National Service in 1953-54 serving in an elite battalion: the para-commando platoon. After military service was over, Rene studied tropical agriculture and used a government grant to start a coffee plantation in the Belgian Congo where he only escaped by “the skin of his teeth” when he had to flee during the Lumumba Insurrection in 1961. He and Guy then emigrated to Australia where they secured employment as overseers for the Catholic Church Mission in New Ireland – running a plantation from 1962-72. Their knowledge, diligence and military training saw the plantation prosper despite tribal fights, earthquakes, riots and the occasional confrontation with axe and knife-wielding workers. Their practical skills were balanced by a love of art, photography and travel. A talented amateur photographer, Rene left an extensive collection of photographs of their experiences and travels. After leaving the plantation they traveled throughout Melanesia, French Polynesia and Micronesia, Europe, Asia and South America before settling in Nambour on the Sunshine Coast. They collected tribal art pieces throughout their travels to inspire Rene’s love of painting and sculpture.



- Pictures make up part of the description -

Current Stock:
0.80 KGS
15.00 (cm)
52.00 (cm)
5.00 (cm)
Shipping Cost:
$95.00 (Fixed Shipping Cost)

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